Web Sencillez

6.16.2005 3:03 PM

recepcion a mi mundo

dictionary : "austerity in embellishment"

thesaurus : "modesty, plainness, simpleness, unassumingness, unostentatiousness, unpretentiousness"

wikipedia : "the property, condition, or quality of being simple or un-combined; often connotes beauty"

While all of the definitions above may be valid, sencillez, for me, is the capability to be contented with what you have. It is seeing life sans its intricacies; being thankful for the littlest things.

Waking up by the sound of chirping birds, the bliss brought by your children's embrace, the smile on the face of a sufferer battling cancer, a father's tears upon seeing his firstborn... these are what sencillez is all about.

God is infinitely simple.

-Thomas Aquinas

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